Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Solution of Manoj Kumar Mehta 'मैत्रेय"

The Solutions of
Manoj Kumar Mehta'मैत्रेय'
All the time the politics is weapon,
For the certain class.
In the old time,'Chaturya Varna',
New time of Reservation Glass.
Poor and multiplex caste,
Remained neglected.
The Firece and sacrificed
Himself ,was elected.
Come on,come on,
O ! neglected class,
O! Backward Class,
For sacrifice,and for pass.
To die is not  our dream,
So be straight forward for unity.
These are our themes.
As  Tennis courts sworth,
Be our rule and regulation.
No should be  over tight ,
And no should be lose
our institution.-- MK Mehta,'मैत्रेय'

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