Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Blind Nationalism /New Small Nationalism

Blind Nationalism  or  New Small Nationalism
Temporary Nations

Long history of living together for a long time, common culture and feeling that we are one and a geographical part called the nation. But there are many parts of the world and people think they are nations, in fact they are not nations. A nation cannot be formed because of hatred and arrogance and only religion or only language. These new small types of  nations are  temporary nations and the life span of a temporary nation is very short. Pakistan was formed on the basis of religion and many others were formed on the basis of language. These nations are temporary nations because the basics of the process of living are missing.  New  small types of  Temporary nations are blind nations. Same situation are many in new nations. Only caste and community can never build nation , this will generate only  civil domestic war such as in Yemen,  in Sudan,  in Rwanda and  in others. Nation which is not made up of long history of living together for a long time, common culture and feeling that we are one and a common geographical part and made up of only one or two or three factors like language, religion or community  that is blind nation. Blind/temporary nations do not remain stable for long time. Blind nations are the results of religious , communal pride and linguistic superiority.

 The blind nation cannot survive long time. These nations limit and hang the world freedoms and disturb the world peace. We know that major wars of the world are fought due to The blind nationalism. The  peoples freedoms , the economic freedoms, the cultural freedoms  and others  human rights are limited by these nations. So we should awaken the people and  keep loud voice against new small nationalism. New small nationalism or the blind nations are curse for the world.  We should  imagine that The whole world will be one great  nation. We mustn't fight for  new small types of nations,we should raise the voice against corruptions, partiality,inhumanity,unemployment,poverty and for the hungers. The new small types of nationalism or the blind nationalism is not solution of anything and these are the hell  for the people.

------ Maitreya

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