Sunday, October 8, 2023

Arab-Israel War and The World War and World War 3

 Hamas and Lebnan attacked on Israel.

This is the Starting of New Arab-Israel War.

This war will be continue until China will be engage for security of Iran.And then the war will be change in great Third World War.

China will help indirectly first but when a Submarine of China will be caught on the Sea Coast of Italy.And then this will be War Siren of WW-3.

Next front may be Cyprus.Turkey is playing double game with Europian countries.If Turkey will engage in Arab -Israel war . Turkey will lose  Istanbul and Northern Cyprus and the authority of Dardenals water straight.

South China Sea , Pakistan .....................

Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Blind Nationalism /New Small Nationalism

Blind Nationalism  or  New Small Nationalism
Temporary Nations

Long history of living together for a long time, common culture and feeling that we are one and a geographical part called the nation. But there are many parts of the world and people think they are nations, in fact they are not nations. A nation cannot be formed because of hatred and arrogance and only religion or only language. These new small types of  nations are  temporary nations and the life span of a temporary nation is very short. Pakistan was formed on the basis of religion and many others were formed on the basis of language. These nations are temporary nations because the basics of the process of living are missing.  New  small types of  Temporary nations are blind nations. Same situation are many in new nations. Only caste and community can never build nation , this will generate only  civil domestic war such as in Yemen,  in Sudan,  in Rwanda and  in others. Nation which is not made up of long history of living together for a long time, common culture and feeling that we are one and a common geographical part and made up of only one or two or three factors like language, religion or community  that is blind nation. Blind/temporary nations do not remain stable for long time. Blind nations are the results of religious , communal pride and linguistic superiority.

 The blind nation cannot survive long time. These nations limit and hang the world freedoms and disturb the world peace. We know that major wars of the world are fought due to The blind nationalism. The  peoples freedoms , the economic freedoms, the cultural freedoms  and others  human rights are limited by these nations. So we should awaken the people and  keep loud voice against new small nationalism. New small nationalism or the blind nations are curse for the world.  We should  imagine that The whole world will be one great  nation. We mustn't fight for  new small types of nations,we should raise the voice against corruptions, partiality,inhumanity,unemployment,poverty and for the hungers. The new small types of nationalism or the blind nationalism is not solution of anything and these are the hell  for the people.

------ Maitreya

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Balance of Union and The States

      The Balance of Union and the States

 India is the biggest democratic nation of the world. Here Union is strong but some regional and small political parties have been trying to prove that  India is  weak .They are in  illusion. Some time this seems to be for someone but India is  strongest nation. The main causes of these illusions are:

(1) The  Police- Administration is under the State matter,  Central Government doesn't interfere until the states fall in crisis. This is the bad system of balance. Articles 355 and  356 are provided for President Rule for whole states. Article 355 is not sufficient for Suggestions for local body,so  often the public face the riots types of violence and sometimes  the States Governments may be engage in this type of riots and violence or may  support indirectly.what will happen in that case? It must be Direct Controlling System  (DCS)  of Joint Workshop for Controlling(JWC) of central authority, state authority and local body. If states fail in theirs duties and the violence erupted, the show -cause power must be in Governor to the chief minister and the chief minister does not perform his duties satisfactorily the process will be the Governor rule in affected area and the pattern will be Direct Controlling System(DCS)  and Joint Workshop for Controlling(JWC) of central authority, state authority and the local body.  This treatment will be  very useful in the administration and controlling of of states.

(2) The Legislative Power of States:  The basic roots of corruptions are in states legislation. Some unsuitable provisions and  powers are given to the states-such as the law making power about lands, employments/ reservations,locality, panchayat  rule other provisions.For example: Roshani Act of land.  How a Government can donate the land of others instead of rehabilitation? Is it moral and legal to snatch someone's land and drive him away and donate his land to other? So the provisions of law making about land must be snatch from states and it must be as central law as Uniform Civil Code. Old Land Acts  are impractical so these acts must be removed. Panchayat  election power must be snatched from states and separately panchyat election power provisions must be in panchayat and in Election Commission. 

(3)   Ethnicity and communalism : This is the great problem for the world and India also. So it must be reform our political system.

 Solutions: Uniform Civil Code , India and the world need Uniform Civil Code and the Uniform Civil Code should be  according to  Human Rights.  Uniform Civil Code will cure many political , religious  and social diseases. This will be great balance of Union and the states.

                                           Manoj Kumar Mehta 'Maitreya'

Sunday, March 19, 2023

World War3 Next Step

 Ukraine will not accept with  heart 'The Hell Treaty' of Russia.Russian will not be back.NATO will not understand what to do?The Russian will celebrate the victory.

China will be Interested . Fool, He will capture Taiwan.

Arabian countries will be  allied with Russian and Chinese Alliance.The world and Arabians will

see many Suns(Atom Bombs/Hydrogen Bombs) in the sky.Polar Bear will do the surgery of The Sickman of Europe,he has been escaping for centuries from polar bear. And The Sickman will leave NATO. Armenia will be in the lap of Russia.Korean Crisis, Pakistan Crisis. Arab and Israel war will erupt. Sam crisis, In this war The Arabians will lose theirs lives. The dragon will be in  misjudge and will invade India. And the  sleeping Giant (India) will awake and punish the dragon. The dragon will be cut in pieces. The world will be free.

But after all these told incidents ,the populations of the world will remain only  about  one third because Atom bombs and Hydrogen Bombs

will be as the "Patakhe/Crackers"of Diwali .


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Russian Illusion and Ukraine Problem

  Russian Illusion and Ukraine Problem 
Corona has made an illusion for Russian that NATO  Countries are disabled.As same China had thought about India before this year.But
China felt that he is disabled  in front of India.
Russia is guessing the weakness of European countries and America.Everyone knows that Russia is big power, America is big power and others are also big but Corona has proved the weakness  and mismanagement of thease countries.If more powerful than Corona will attack on thease nations,what will happen?Libral countries will be hell again and  Russia will be winner if the war took place between Russia and NATO .
China and Muslim Countries will go with Russia , although India will be Neutral for sometime but when China and Pakistan with Muslim countries will attack on India, Russia will be Neutral.
If China is dragon ,India is Sleeping Giant.So it needn't provoke India .
Russian  will capture the areas of Ukraine where 
Russians are living and assume that this area is for Russian.Russian has picked weakness of NATO in Afghanistan,where Taliban  recaptured its Area. Probability  Ukraine will lose the area as Armenia has lost the  war. NATO will see only and will do nothing.This is the Russian Illusion.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

अपने को वैश्य कहना छोड़िए

 अपने को वैश्य कहना छोड़िए।

  गांधी जी ने हरिजन शब्द से शूद्र शब्द को समाज से लगभग मिटा ही दिया है। समय था जब  समाज शूद्र शब्द से घृणा करता था। अब इस शब्द को केवल पढ़े लिखे लोग जानते हैं ,आम आदमी नहीं जानता। इसका कारण है किताबों में लिखा होना। किताबों/ग्रंथों में लिखा शब्द , चातुर्य वर्ण फिर प्रकट हो सकता है,यदि कट्टर ब्राह्मण राज्य फिर से स्थापित हो जाए।

"लम्हों ने खता की थी सदियों ने सजा पायी है।"

चातुर्य वर्ण फिर नहीं,दुबारा नहीं ।

वैसे सुंडी कबीला  जातीय ब्राह्मण वंशज हैं।

सुंडी , जरत्कारु (जोगिया गोसाईं, जनजातीय तांत्रिक) एवं माता मनसा(नाग वंशी ,घर का टोटेमिक चिन्ह ,कुल पूजन,सिरा पिंडा,) के पुत्र आस्तिक मुनि के वंशज हैं। अर्थात नागवंशी हैं। ब्राह्मणों ने  नागों का अस्तित्व मिटाने के लिए राजा जनमेजय को उसकाया। बचें हुए नागों को दास बनाया। सामाजिक रुप से बहिष्कृत किया।जानते हैं इसका कारण ?? अधिकांश नाग क्षत्रिय थे, परशुराम जी के दादा जी ऋचिक मुनि(रिक्  वेद ,दशम मंडल)ने चातुर्य वर्ण का सिद्धांत दिया था। नागों ने चातुर्य वर्ण का विरोध किया था। नंदनि गौ एक बहाना था। कार्तवीर्यार्जुन ने परशुराम जी के पिता जमदग्नि ऋषि को मार डाला।तब से परशुराम जी ने 21बार क्षत्रियों को रहित कर दिया था। क्यों???

एक सिद्धांत के लिए बस!!!और हम उनके सिद्धांतों को मानने में गर्व महसूस करते हैं।

आप महसूस कीजिए कि वैश्य शब्द  वैश्या शब्द के कितना करीब है।

अपने आपको वैश्य कहना छोड़िए। (अगर कोई गलती हो तो क्षमा करेंगे।)

Monday, December 27, 2021

खोया संसार

 खोया संसार

फूलों की खिलखिलाहट, 

और भौरों का गुंजन,

हरी हरी वादियां,दूर दूर तक,

कुछ भी शेष न था,

जल रहा था गगन।

पेड़ गायब थे,

घासों का नामो निशान नहीं,

मैं फूट फूटकर रो पड़ा,

जब टूटा ए स्वप्न ।

लोग कह रहे थे,ऐसे ही रहेगा,

तीन चार साल,छाया था धूंध,

दुर्लभ था सूर्यदेव का दर्शन।

कौन कौन बच जाएगा,

सबसे बडा़ सवाल था,

ओह यह उजड़े हुए चमन ।

सभी भागते जा रहे थे,

 पीछे आसुरी धूंध और प्रचंड अग्नि

 छुट चुके थे असंख्य प्राण और प्रण।

भूख ऐसी,प्यास ऐसी,

सांस भी पराए हो चले थे,

लोग विलीन हो रहे थे क्षण क्षण।

मैं कहां था? बीता हुआ कल था

या आनेवाला कल??

ओह! मेरे बिछड़े चमन।

जो होना था, हो चुका,

हो चुका अग्नि शमन।

 कष्ट का लम्बा समय गुजर गया,

फिर से फूट पड़ीं जमीन से कोपलें,

लोगों ने पाला उसे पालतु की तरह,

फिर से सज गए वन उपवन।

पर जो कहते थे यह जमीन मेरा है,

यह धरती हंसती थी,"मुर्खों तुम सब हमारे हो,

तुम्हें मिल जाना है इसी मिट्टी में।"

निंद से खुल चुके थे मेरे नयन।

       -मनोज कुमार मेहता 'मैत्रेय'


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Third World War :A Political Analysis

    The Third World War  

                      And the Crusades
The Muslims Countries became fool by Dajaal. Now Dajaal will come open in Arabian Countries as
 The JAAL ,DAJAAL,' because  the  Arabian Crisis will emerge. Pakistan and Turkey are trying to reorganize the Muslims Countries be in one religious Flag. .Armenia and Ajerbaijan are the places where last Crusade is starting.For a while  this crusade may be silent but now 'DAJAAL' may be strong. According to Hadis Israel will be with 'DAJAAL'.In this starting Israel is with Ajerbaijan,this is surprising, although we now that Ajerbaijan had considered as 'Nation' first time for' Israel'.So this was debt to Israel.Now this debt paid.Now Ajerbaijan changed his Behaviour as a Muslim country and all Muslim countries supported him except Iran. Now it will start The Crusades.What will do Israel???? Turkey will attempt to take this advantage once again he will crush Kurds, Syrian and other 'Sam' countries. According Hadis, now 'Sam'crisis may erupted .This will be due to Turkey,all Muslim countries will be with Turkey but Soudi Arabia will be in great critical time.
 This will happen Third World War because India will be with Crusade and with Christian Countries. This war will prove that who is believer and who are non believers.

  (1)The Trial War of Third World War
27 September 2020, Ajerbaijan invaded on Armenia.Still the war of Nagorno-Karabakh is continuing till the date of 20/10/2020.After this war now the time period goes to Sam Countries (Syria, Lebanon, Kurdistan,Jordan, Cyprus etc.)
Next crisis will be Kurdistan ,Cyprus Afganistan. The Major strong powers will engage in the Cyprus War. In the Same time India ,China, Pakistan,Taiwan,Tibbet, Hong Kong,Nepal, Bhutan, Shri Lanka, Bangladesh, Mongolia and Korean Crisis will emerge. 
This is the Third World War....
(2) Israel and Palestine War to be continue.......
(3) Afgan war:China, Pakistan and Muslim  countries are supporting Taliban but India is with Afganis Govt 
America returning back. 
(4) Coming soon all Muslims countries except  Iran,  will be with Taliban and against India. China will be with Muslims countries.
 What will happen next???
The dangerous War have been fighting in  Afghanistan. Taliban is the product of misguided Jihadists.Taliban might fight with democratic process but they know that Afgan people could not support this type of Ideology. Taliban wants to conduct Sariat rule and bigotism,so this war is being fight to control Afganistan. Till this day about 10/12 thousands Taliban's are killed in current struggle.American armies returning back but when India came with Afganistan American once again came with Afgan Army for air strike.
Now when Taliban became weak in war Pakistan,China,Russia have run for save The Taliban. India once again will  help Afganistan . Pakistan and China will use the Taliban,but India And American know  the results . Russia afraid of Rising India,and as we know that Afganistan is part of Ancient India.Russia runs to stop India. India and America  are countries who wants to peace freedom  and prosperity for Afganistan but Pakistan is Hell and he have made Hell in Afghanistan.7August to 15 August  the hell in Afganistan. 15 August taliban entered in Kabul.President regioned.Internanal war will be continue.
(5) Russia-Ukraine War
23Feb2022 Russian started the military operations against Ukraine.Before this, Russia announced the freedom of separatist of two province Donestk and Lohansk.Donbas Area.

(6) The Several front of
Third World war 
will start soon.Ukraine War will be continue as freedom's Fighting and protests but slow. Russian 
with Alliance (Russia+China+Iran+
N.Koria+Others )will ruin the NATO countries .  Next War??? Korean War??? Taiwanese War??? Blochistan/POK???Cypress??? Where????!!!!! Sam Crisis?Yamen Crisis? Any terrorist activities of Atom Bomb?


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Unto This Last People Come Here

Unto this last,
People come here,
Where I was long before.
The universe is vast,
The life is rare,
I am sure.
None is past,
Anything is there,
Come with me,but
Idea is your.
        Author: Manoj Kumar Mehta
मनोज कुमार मेहता 'मैत्रेय'

Friday, July 3, 2020

The End of The World

                        The End of The World
This is not myth or Oracle.This is not prophecies and not pridiction. This is only an analysis.
Corona is growing more and more dangerous.where will stop this? Major of the countries are in lockdown, so the economy of countries are in lockdown.The industries and also many other services are in hang up!Only agriculture sectors  are alive.Private sectors are going to lose their production.Unemployments are growing larger and larger. Now the situation is to die with pandemic, unemployment, poverty and with hunger.The Governments of the world are trying to save the lives.So all countries are in lock down.If the governments unlock theirs countries  the pandemic Corona will kill more and more people and if governments  stay in lockdown for long time the hungers will kill the people.So the governments are trying the coordination between the Corona and the hungers. This is the right way but the question is how long we can manage this with the large population? Small countries and the countries of rare density will not be affected much but Large countries how will manage for long-term? The total economy will be collapse . So nearby there is huge monster of Economic crisis stand up. 
The pandemic will kill  millions but the economic crisis will kill billions. Economic crisis will produce the Great depression, Unemployments  and poverty in some days.
We have known that the great depression of economic has produced the war between countries.As first world war and Second War.Recent Economic Depression will be thousand times greater than the 1927-39.
The world is divided in two different groups . First Alliance is of Friends Nation of India, Israel, America and of European countries. The alliance is of China, Pakistan, North Korea and of Arabian countries.China  and India are on the gate of war . Chinese alliance is has sieged around India and China is surrounded by Friends Nation alliance. Explosive is ready only needs the sparking. Half of the world is on the gate of destruction with Hydrogen bomb. Shree Narendra Modi,  President Putin, President Xinping and President Trump will not be succeed to stop the World War 3 for longtime. The world will burn in Hydrogen bomb.This War will kill trillions. In this time people will be kill by Radiations
and hungers.
This is the 'End of The world'

Manoj Kumar Mehta'मैत्रेय'
Again the new world,new system and the new concept of life will be set up but the people who had lost theirs lives.Oh! the death is true why???

Thursday, June 25, 2020


                           THE UNITED STATES OF INDIA

                                          (THE USI)

 THE future of  the South Ashia is going to merge into one great state ,that is the United States of India or The USI.
 The current situation is hell condition of  the world and there is war  like situations between India and  China.Currently  the Corona -2019 pandemic condition of world is leading to great economic crisis.  End of the corona  the  Death Toll will bring about  1,000,000-1,200,000 if any vaccine  or medicine didn't come soon.
COVID-2019  will ruin the power  of the world. China will not reform  his characters. America will be in confusion about the war.  America thinks that if he involves directly war with China it will happen the The World War 3.  America and Iran were on the gate of WW3  but  Shree Narendra Modi convinced  Iran  to stop the war. The war became suspended.Now  The Corona has broken the  backbone of many countries. Still America, Russia, The UK, India and China are in critical situations. Chinese are seeing dradeful dreams in  the night about  the war. So they want India to be unstable because they have miscalculations about India. China thinks that India will go to disintegrate by the striking power of China and  Pakistan,Nepal, Bangladesh,and Shree Lanka will co-operate for China.  Pakistanis think that Indian Muslims will oppose  India.  China and his companions think that The joints attack of China companions and internal communal violence will break India but  they are in delusion .
 Russia attempts to stop the Indo-China War but Russia will not be able to stop the war for long time.  China and Pakistan will start the war against India. Modi's diplomacy will not work because Shree Narendra Modi can not solve internal situation of Pakistan and internal situation of  China.  China and Pakistan are hiding the pandemic  and economic situation to the world but  they cannot  solve for long time.   Pakistanis will die with hungers and with pandemic as rats. China will not be able to hide his conditions and the weakness of  these countries will be open . May be Terrorist activites take place.
Economic crisis,Border crisis ,Pandemic and Hungers will be blast as Atom Bomb.
 China and Pakistan will attack jointly on India. India will answer with heavy treatment  on China. Nepalis and Chinese army may reach to the Northen States of  India till Ganges.  American may left the Indian side because to stop The World War 3 .  Muslims country will help China and China Companions may capture European Countries. China perhaps wouldn't have imagine  the war.Pakistan will be ruined in some days and China will be lost in fog of smokes.  What will be Israel ??? India will be with Israel. The Chinese army will be cut as pigs in India. Tibet will  free state and some Indian part of Tibbet ''Kailash Khand" will be merge into India. SAARC countries will be merge into  Federation of  The United States of India( The USI).



                                                              This is the personal thoughts, any mustn't be serious with this.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Solution of Manoj Kumar Mehta 'मैत्रेय"

The Solutions of
Manoj Kumar Mehta'मैत्रेय'
All the time the politics is weapon,
For the certain class.
In the old time,'Chaturya Varna',
New time of Reservation Glass.
Poor and multiplex caste,
Remained neglected.
The Firece and sacrificed
Himself ,was elected.
Come on,come on,
O ! neglected class,
O! Backward Class,
For sacrifice,and for pass.
To die is not  our dream,
So be straight forward for unity.
These are our themes.
As  Tennis courts sworth,
Be our rule and regulation.
No should be  over tight ,
And no should be lose
our institution.-- MK Mehta,'मैत्रेय'